GBSB Alumni Story: Symbat Auanova
Master of Science in Marketing Management

Meet our alumni of the week – Symbat Auanova, Master of Science in Marketing Management and a recipient of a GBSB Global Business School scholarship. Symbat strongly believes that the decision to study in Europe and to do a master’s degree in Barcelona was a life changing decision that was integral to both her career and personal development. Here is her story.
Multilingual Background & Values
Hello, everyone! My name is Symbat, and I am from Almaty, Kazakhstan. I am fluent in four languages – Russian, Kazakh, English and Turkish – and now I also speak some Spanish. What do I stand for? I find life is all about honesty, transparency and versatility.
Education Abroad: Dreams & Fears
I have dreamt about studying abroad since I was a teenager, but after I finished my high school studies I was not brave enough to follow my dreams. I did my bachelor degree in finance in my hometown, at one of the biggest universities in Kazakhstan and also the best.
Why didn’t I follow my dreams? I was very attached to my home. I was used to a comfortable, quiet life. I loved (and I still do) my family and my friends, and I had never, before this, left my home for more than a month.
Work Experience & Motivation
After graduation I landed a great job and successfully started my career. I gained experience, became very busy, and the time seemed to fly by faster and faster. When you work, years pass by like weeks. Suddenly, I realized that this was not the life I wanted, that my dreams were chasing me, that I wanted something more, and most importantly, that I believed I was capable of achieving it. It was at this moment I decided, now or never. I gathered all the strength I had and made the decision. I quit my job. I left my home and said goodbye to my family and friends. I adventured out on my own to a place I have never lived before. Was I scared? Absolutely. Did it stop me? Not at all.
Why GBSB Global Business School in Barcelona?
I had no doubts regarding my destination. I knew I wanted to go to Barcelona, and I am very happy to have chosen the city. Great people and beautiful architecture, are the two main things I love about Barcelona. The reason I chose GBSB Global Business School in Barcelona was because of their individual approach and diversity.
International Master Degree Experience at GBSB Global Business School
At the GBSB Global Business School, I made many friends from all over the world and had the opportunity to learn about many different cultures. Professors shared with us their knowledge and experience in international, globalized business. The curriculum was very practical, and I found I could easily apply this knowledge to my career. But most importantly, through my education, I became a new person. I am stronger. I am more independent. I am open-minded. I know myself better, and I know what I want. The transformation was priceless!
Education Abroad as the Key to a Bigger World
I remember my grandfathering telling me, “the most profitable investment in life is the investment in education.” Thanks to the support of my grandfather and his faith in me, I have earned a Master’s of Science in Marketing Management, and I have lived in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
Now that I am back in Almaty, I am not sure I will stay here for long. My world is bigger now, more open and full of opportunities. I am ready to take on new and exciting challenges!
Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone
This story proves one more time that the greatest victory in life is the victory over the limitations we put on ourselves. If you are not satisfied with your life, if you have dreams you are not pursuing, it is very important to reach outside of your comfort zone and follow your ambitions. Studying abroad is one of the greatest ways to enrich your life and become a stronger and happier person. A year devoted to studies, a master’s degree in Marketing Management earned at the GBSB Global Business School became an incredible life changing experience for Symbat. We are very proud to have been a part of her self-development success story.
If you want to know more about Symbat and her life in Europe follow her on Facebook.