Alumni Angels Bronsoms is Giving Women in Media a Voice!

Angels Bronsoms is a Journalist & past GBSB Global Alumni, who studied at the school 2 years ago, her thesis topic was “How pop music influenced young women’s fashion”. Since completing her Masters, she has taught for GBSB Global and she has also worked with press relation services connecting our founder Olga Ivanova with Punt Avui TV, who did a 20-minute interview on her story and why she founded GBSB Global Business School.
At the same time, while Angels was teaching, she started writing for the media and she was curious as to learn how the media operates and wanted to transfer that curiosity into her classes. Therefore, she created interesting and interactive activities to do, one of them was a digital newspaper called “The Global Voice”, it was a big project that the whole class worked on together. Students all contributed to different sections of the newspaper and wrote news whether it be about Sports, Culture, Food, etc… They even went on visits to local TV stations, so students could see firsthand how media and communication play out in a real-life setting and workplace.
During her workshop, Angels said “there’s nothing like learning something through experience”, prior to studying and teaching at GBSB Global, she had been living in San Francisco California, USA for 8 years. It was there where her love for communication and media originated and where surprisingly she discovered her passion for how female identity is translated through media through investigating the punk rock movement.
She learned that the Punk movement and the feminist identity were deeply intertwined, and that in the 80’s women where using the punk movement to create an alter-ego, one where they could dress, act and say whatever they wanted. The punk movement back then, was a free space for women to experiment and be something other than what society wanted, which was this feminine and submissive gender.
Although through experimenting through the Punk Movement herself, Angels had a realization that changed her opinion, she realized that although this movement gave a sense of freedom and took the pressure of sexualization away from her, it was also ultimately suppressing her femininity. She realized that with the short hair and the masculine clothes, she was only portraying herself as a man to feel more powerful. When in reality being a woman and embracing your femininity in itself, is very powerful. Therefore, she strongly declared “I will never wear pants again” which proved to be true as she stood in front of the class in a white flowy dress giving her workshop.
Since returning to Barcelona and finishing her studies, Angels has created a radio show called Where are the Women, where she interviews women of all ages in media who need more exposure and she is giving it to them.
She also has a new book coming out in 2020, which explores women in the music industry and brings light to their stories. She believes we have come a long way as far as female representation in communication industries, but she says there is still so much more work to be done and she hopes through her work and radio show she can continue to further this change and make an impact.